The superior ones charge for convienence. You are not going to have any trouble carrying extra expert kits. You are not going to overflow with items because if you do you can salvage during the farming run, and you will eventually use up the expert kit and get that slot back. For those people making money from materials, you should really understand how much 400g is. Most items sell for quite a bit of money and your profit from materials is minimal compared to just selling the item (actually, it is sometimes you earn less from the materials than the item itself, but people salvage for space). If you want to maximize profit, go with expert kits. If you are salvaging more than 25 times per run, most likely you are salvaging almost everything that drops and you should not run out of space anyways. If you are not salvaging 25 times a run, then you don't need more than 1 kit so no wasted space.